A review by alegun123
Aquaman Vol. 1: Unspoken Water, by Kelly Sue DeConnick


Aquaman Unspoken Water by Kelly Sue DeConnick is an interesting series of comics. It follows Aquaman(who I have never been too interested in) after losing all his memory. This is quite a cliche plot point and has been done many times before. The book introduces a lot of characters based off of many different mythologies, which is a fantastic idea, but DeConnick did not detail the characters enough. Detail in general was missing quite a lot during this book, and the plot felt rushed at times, with the final climax not really creating the effect it probably should have. The writing is mixed, some of the dialogue was very well written, but DeConnick’s writing style felt like it did not really suit aquaman and the plot. The art in this book was spectacular in parts, however some of the big actions scenes were illustrated a little clunkily. Overall, an interesting read but certainly not a must-read, however perhaps the comic was just not really to my taste, and someone else could enjoy it a lot more than I did.