A review by fiftyshadesofgreymatter
The British Knight by Louise Bay


Are you ready for a fairytale turned on its modern-day head? Look no further than Violet and Alexander’s story! The British Knight is “THE FAIRYTALE” come true; the love story of Violet, a no-nonsense New Yorker, and Alexander, a British wealthy, workaholic barrister. As Violet describes their story, “He was my Knightly in shining armor and our fairytale was as real as it got.”

Violet is one of my all-time favorite Louise Bay heroines (BTW, I love and semi-stalk Louise and have read every one of her books. And while she gave me an ARC of The British Knight, which was very kind, I would have bought it and read it either way). Violet is the epitome of the motto “a rolling stone gathers no moss”: she’s not looking for forever, doesn’t want to get hurt again, and she isn’t taking crap from any one. In short, Violet King is MY KIND OF WOMAN! Here is just a short list of my favorite Violet quotes:

“Men and cocktails were my favorite things to waste time on, and I made sure my day always had plenty of either one or the other.”

“There’s no point in going boyfriend shopping and not trying anything on.”

“I just wanted to come home. At least in New York I could attract cheaters and drink diet Dr. Pepper.”

And Alexander, oh dear lord of all hotness, Alexander! As Violet states, “Knightly was everything every other man had failed to be. Alexander was moody and demanding. He was ill-tempered and mercurial, but he was anything but boring.” Alexander Knightly is simply “delicious.” If you can’t have a book boyfriend crush on someone who says things like “We’re going to f@ck, then drink, then f@ck, then talk. Then we’re going to hit repeat” then why are you even reading romance novels to begin with???

I’ll end my review of The British Knight by stating that while Violet and Alexander’s story isn’t your everyday fairytale, it is the best kind of fairytale, one that could come true. Because ladies, don’t you agree that “if a knight in shining armor shows up, I don’t need to be swept off my feet, but if he wants to take me to dinner and give me a foot rub then I’m not going to say no.”