A review by jeniecegoellner
All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry


 I received this book in a Giveaway from Goodreads. This is a book that I thought had a lot of potential. It just didn't live up to it and ended up disappointing me. Pro: It had an interesting blended setting of dystopian, echos of historical, and magical realism. Con: It was actually too short. I feel the author had grand ideas, yet the short (less than 300 pages) didn't allow them to be fleshed out. We are thrown in immediately and expected to connect with our two main characters with no back story. There is no development in the characters, you do find out back story a bit too late to care. And the choices they make seem too far of leaps, probably not for the characters, but definitely for the readers who are just joining in the middle.