A review by abookandalattee
Fate's Fables by T. Rae Mitchell


Fate’s Fables is a fantastical page turner, I seriously couldn’t put it down. Poisoned oaks, druids, faeries, and trolls….. Fantasy buffs will be all over this first novel in the Fate’s Journey series. T. Rae’s knowledge of the fables in this book are extremely vivid. The writing is an old style which I believe is really hard to duplicate within this day and age, but with T. Rae’s ingenious imagination and enchanting storytelling it all comes together brilliantly.

abookandalattee’s Rating:

abookandalattee gives Fate’s Fables 5 stars – Vastly recommended to anyone who loves fantasy/fiction.

Check out the rest of my review of Fate's Fables over at http://abookandalattee.blogspot.com