A review by the_evergrowing_library
A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World by C.A. Fletcher


As post apocalyptic books go, this was one of the nicer ones. Don’t get me wrong, there’s obviously some bad things, but there was also some genuinely nice moments here that I really appreciated. A reprieve from the stark nothingness and also seeing things lost to time through new eyes.

Like any good apocalyptic future we see people surviving, but it’s a much more resigned thing. Humanity is a fraction of what it was and so it’s sparse and eerie rather than bands of cannibals and going beyond the thunderdome.

Griz was born into this world and doesn’t know any different, but he knows he loves his dogs.
We see this book from his perspective as he travels across the ruins of Britain trying to get his dog back, and what new things he discovers along the way.

I felt the whole book put me in griz’s shoes and I lived what he did. It’s not fast paced, but we’re traveling across the country in a desolate world, if you can’t appreciate that sort of story, you don’t understand post-apocalyptic books.

It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s a bloody good book!