A review by anuwolf
Blindness, by José Saramago


Blindness is a journey into the utter darkness of humanity, of what it means to lose everything and to still remain human. The blindness is sort of a metaphor in this book for people who can see but currently disregarding the cruelties that are faced in the world, and then carries on into a world lost without organization. The book shows the human condition in it's raw form, everything that we are capable of, whether it be kindness or evil. This book is incredibly depressing, with a few moments of brightness here and there, but overall, it's a read that will leave you wondering many questions: what would I do in this scenario? how would I survive? would I want to live like this, or would I just kill myself?. The extent of the human's will and soul is deeply explored as well.

It's a great book, but disturbing and depressing.