A review by crookedtreehouse
FTL, Y'all!: Tales From the Age of the $200 Warp Drive by Julie Gravelle, Iris Jay, Nathaniel Wilson, Earl T. Roske, Olivia Northrop, James F. Wright, Evan Dahm, Skolli Rubedo, David Andry, Jonathon Dalton, Seren Krakens, Cindy Powers, Molly Kennedy, Sunny, C.B. Webb, Cheez Hayama, N.N. Chan, C. Spike Trotman, Kay Rossbach, Chris Williamson, Alexxander Dovelin, Ainsley Seago, Little Corvus, Xia Gordon, Luz Bianca, Maia Kobabe, J. Piechowiak, Miss Jamie Kaye, Rachel Ordway, Mary Anne Mackey, Ahueonao, Mulele Jarvis, Blue Delliquanti, Paul Schultz, Jay Eaton


This is a pretty good anthology of sci-fi stories involving space travel and lesbianism. It's sometimes tough reviewing an anthology, not only because there are a variety of different art styles and stories, but also because placement is so important.

The first story wasn't for me. The use of Youtube style comments to serve as conversation distracted me from the story, though I enjoyed the premise. This turned up as IMs in another story.

Overall, I liked the stories in this collection, as well as the art. I'm always impressed when an anthology can showcase a variety of different art styles using no colors but black and white.

While I didn't love the book, I do recommend it to anyone who enjoys science fiction anthology, comics or otherwise. People looking for better representation in comics will also enjoy this book. And hopefully, if you do pick up this book and you enjoy a particular story, check and see if the creators have any other books available.