A review by bookprocrastinator85
Dead of Winter by Lee Collins


Review found here on my blog

When I first read the synopsis of The Dead of Winter even though the cover said True Grit meets True Blood , one of my first thoughts was of the show Supernatural which is one of my favorites. I would say it is True Grit meets Supernatural. The one thing that links these two together for me is because there are two people who travel around hunting down scary monsters, but instead of a modern day world, it’s a western one. It sounded somewhat similar and so I thought it might be worth a shot, especially since Halloween was close and that’s the perfect time for a little scare/horror.

The Dead of Winter tells the story of husband and wife duo, Ben Oglesby and Cora Oglesby travel on horseback across Colorado in search of otherworldly creatures that are attacking people in order to eliminate them.

Cora is a no nonsense type of woman. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and is not afraid to voice her opinion even a little bit. She is a strong character, but she isn’t a character that I fell in love with. I felt like I couldn’t really connect with her as much as I had wanted to.
Cora’s husband, Ben seems to be the complete opposite of Cora. He is more prone to think about things. And he is kinder compared to Cora’s sometimes rough attitude. They make an interesting bounty hunting pair.

Ben and Cora arrive in Leadville Colorado on the hunt for whatever is killing people in this town. As Cora tries to effectively deal with her own inner demons of the past, her and Ben soon discover that the task of killing this beast may not be as simple or as easy as their previous ones. And even if they do find a way to kill it, is the threat over? Will the townspeople be safe or is there something far more sinister at work?

The Dead of Winter is not without its flaws, but it is a highly entertaining western horror story. If you like horror want to try something a little bit different then this story might be right up your alley.

** I received this ARC from Angry Robot in exchange for nothing, but my honest review. Thank you.**