A review by clgaston31
Fallen Crest Forever by Tijan


OMG! I am really sad this is the last book in the Fallen Crest series as this is probably one of my all time favorite series! This book was everything I expected and more for the final installment to the series. Now there will be no spoilers here because you need to go purchase this book and read it. Do it now if you haven't already read this book... or even the series.
I still remember when I first came across this series... I was looking for a new book to read, but was in a book funk where nothing seemed to sounds satisfying. When I came across Fallen Crest High, the blurb sort of interested me, but at the same time turned me off. Nothing against Tijan, I was just in this weird funk where I didn't know what I wanted to read and I was sick of reading books that ended up disappointing me. I was so bad, I couldn't finish 7 different books I had started.
As I am reading the book, I instantly became hooked and could not put the book down! I finished the book in one sitting... Stayed up all night just reading. Yeah I kicked myself in the morning when I was heading to work on no sleep. As soon as I finished the first book, I purchased the second book, Fallen Crest Family. I am not going to lie, I wasn't sure if I was going to keep reading because the whole Sam and Mason relationship while Mason's Father and Sam's Mother were together kind of turned me off. I know, I know ... they are not blood related nor were their parents married... Yet at least. Anyways, once I got over that, I loved the story and characters more and more.
Honestly, I would totally name my kids after some of the characters. I am in love with the name Mason, but I don't think Mason Face (lol) flows very well... Anyways, I will just have to choose another character to name my child(ren) after if I ever have any.
My recommendation to you, is if you have not started this series, go out and start now because you will not be disappointed. I am looking forward to more of Tijan's books. Now that Fallen Crest is done, I wonder what other amazing series Tijan will come up with?