A review by piburnjones
Addy's Little Brother by Connie Rose Porter


There are definitely things to love here, but also things that left me puzzled.

- Why is the title "Little Brother"? Daniel is slightly older than she is. Sam enjoys a game of marbles now and then, but I'm not left with the sense that he's acting dramatically less than his age.

- How is Sam able to make the dictionary joke at the beginning? Was he going to night school at some point? Are we to assume that Addy has been teaching him at home? That could have happened in about half a sentence.

Anyway, if we can get to page three and leave these problems behind, then we have a sweet story about Sam taking Sarah's cousin under his wing, while Addy wrestles with a little jealousy.

My favorite detail is Momma reminiscing about Sam's reaction to his baby sisters. Clearly Sam has been a truly stellar big brother from day one.