A review by thequeerbookish
The Resistance United in Love by Selene Chardou, M. C. Cerny, S. Simone Chavous


I feel so bad for typing this review but I will always review honestly, so...

I expected lots of powerful, sad, emotional, moving (you name it) poetry and interesting essays with this. I didn't get what I expected. I wasn't really moved, but that may be a personal thing.

And it's not like everything in this book is bad, it's just... I can get a lot of texts like this for free on the internet. A lot of those texts will be even way better. So... why pay for it?

Don't lynch me now! I'm just speaking from a not rich reader's pov. The Resistance is currently on German Amazon for 2,99€ for the e-book and 8,05€ for the paperback. According to Goodreads it's under 160 pages. Like I said, I can get better stuff for my money.

And yes, I do know that the description on NG says, that "100% of proceeds are being donated to ACLU". I don't know anything about that organisation, but... I could give them my money directly and read stuff online for free.

I have dreaded writing this review so much. But like I said in the beginning, I'm all for honest reviews. Had I bought this book I would have been really, really disappointed, so...At first I had the feeling like I needed to be all positive about this book because it's about social things and the like, but... no. I won't give a good rating to something I did not like simply because it's theme is important.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.