A review by philososquid
The Seep by Chana Porter


The premise and the world in this book were sooo cool. I was intrigued right away, and thought the aliens in this world were unique and interesting.

I liked the characters and the different ways they interacted with the aliens in the first few chapters. But as the book went on, it got less interesting to me.

Honestly, I was a little disappointed with how the main character, Trina, interacted with the Seep and the world around her after the first few chapters. I think there was so much potential to do something really unique, but in the end, Trina basically realized that "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." That message is played out, in my opinion, and there was no nuance or unique spin to it in this story. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but in a world with such a cool concept, I think there was a lot of potential to make it unique. So when that didn't happen, I was disappointed.

I thought that this book would make me think about technology or the future in a new way, but in the end, it just had a rather ordinary message delivered in an ordinary way. Albeit, in a really cool setting, but that wasn't enough to save it for me.