A review by michaelwong
The Dream of the Unified Field: Selected Poems, 1974-1994 by Jorie Graham


"12/as the apple builds inside the limb, as the rain builds/in the atmosphere, as the lateness accumulates until it finally/is,/as the meaning of the story builds,/13/
scribbling at the edges of her body until it must be told, be/14/taken from her, this freedom,/15/so that she had to turn and touch him to give it away/16/to have him pick it from her as the answer takes the question/17/that he should read in her the rigid inscription/18/in a scintillant fold the fabric of the daylight bending/19/where the form is complete where the thing must be torn off/20/momentarily angelic, the instant writhing into a shape," p. 53, "Self-Portrait as the Gesture Between Them [Adam and Eve]"

"27/the feeling of being a digression not the link i the argument, a new direction, an offshoot, the limb going on elsewhere,/28/and liking that error, a feeling of being capable *because an error,/29/of being wrong perhaps altogether wrong a piece from another set/30/stripped of position stripped of true function/31/and loving that error..." p. 54