A review by charshorrorcorner
At the Cemetery Gates: Year One by John Brhel, Joseph Sullivan


3.5 stars!

At The Cemetery Gates: Year One is a collection of 14 short stories. Most of them feature cemeteries-if not actually set there, they're at least mentioned.

My favorite story of the bunch was An Epistle From the Dead which was a macabre tidbit with a touch of poignancy to it that really brought the story home.

Pictures of a Perpetual Subject was also a poignant tale with a haunting outcome that I won't soon forget.

The remaining stories were all good, but not outstanding. These are the types of tales to be told around a campfire at night or at a sleepover. In fact, I think they're perfect for those types of scenarios. Seasoned horror fans used to hard-core scares might come away slightly disappointed, but I believe the average horror reader would find these tales satisfying.

Today this book is free! At The Cemetery Gates: Year One


*Horror After Dark was provided a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is it!*