A review by thatgirlwithabook29
Crowned by Hate by Amo Jones


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#crownedbyhate by #amojones @thatcrazykiwiauthor

This story blew my mind! It's the first book by Amo Jones that I've read and I had little knowledge about what to expect. Amo has this amazing ability to weave a story within a story and you don't even realise it.
Isa is the fearless bad ass daughter of the President of the USA! She's a bit of a rebel, the black sheep of the family. She doesn't follow the rules and she wants no part of the picture perfect life she's obliged to play a role in. So when she meets Bryant, she is intrigued. He's a dark and mysterious stranger who Isa feels a magnetic pull towards that she can't break even if she wanted too. But Isa's past has a way of sneaking up on her, reminding her that she'll never be happy or break free from the chains.

I couldn't put this book down! I tried so hard to read it slowly as I knew that #CrownedByFate is coming out soon. I wanted to hold off on finishing CBH so that I could move directly to CBF. But that didn't happen. About 70% into the book, you're pulled in and you cannot put it down.
