A review by cate_stern52292
Here, Right Matters: An American Story by Alexander Vindman


I first noticed Lt. Col. Vindman during the Trump impeachment hearings and was immediately struck by his opening statement. I listened to his compelling testimony and was impressed with his courage and his desire to do the right thing, even when the right thing was downright daunting.

His book, "Here, Right Matters" is essentially a book about the immigrant experience. Vindman and his family escaped from an oppressive regime to make a new life in America, and Vindman himself sheds light on how that changed and shaped him into the man he is today. Throughout the book, Vindman makes a point to tie certain character traits back to the immigrant experience, things like how he learned about hard work and fostering community.

I very much enjoyed the writing style of the book, it was clear, concise, and easy to read. Vindman also infuses a lot of his own voice throughout the book, making the reader feel like they have gotten to know him and are chatting with an old friend. When he discusses the Ukraine call and its aftermath, you truly feel for Vindman and his family, as he discusses the toll it took on his wife, daughter, and brother. I greatly enjoyed this book and hope we haven't seen the last of Lt. Col. Vindman.