A review by kittyg
Fairy Quest Vol. 1: Outlaws by Paul Jenkins, Leonardo Olea, Humberto Ramos


I borrowed this graphic novel from my best friend as she had recently picked it up, read it and loved it, and I have to say I was not disappointed at all. This is a retelling or reimagining of various different fairy tales with some stunning artwork to go alongside. As the reader we follow a story being told by a mother to her son and initially it feels very true to the classic story of Red Riding Hood, but that soon changes...

I loved the artwork so much within this book. Not only is it truly captivating in terms of the layouts, direction of the story and the dynamic sets. It's equally a fabulously realised story with some rich, dreamy colour palettes, superb characters with excellent movement and dynamism in their poses and facial expression, and it's down-right fun.
I think that the characters themselves were beautifully drawn and designed, and the story and artwork is just captivating throughout. It does have a cartoon-y style, and yet it works really well and the artwork seriously compliments the story.

The story focuses on Fablewood which is where many storybook characters live under the rule of evil Grimm. It's got echoes of Fables, and various spin offs like that, but it also includes less predictable stories and doesn't just repeat what's been done before. I liked seeing the sense of rebellion and adventure within many of the characters, and I think it was somewhat dark and creepy in places too (although this is probably suitable for older children, aged 9+ probably).

Overall it's a fabulous read and I'm super happy to hear that there is a second one out. I will be buying myself a copy of this one and the second very soon so I can own them for myself but I would say if you want something beautiful, witty and with some cute twists on the classic fairytale stories then this is a great one. 4.5*s overall :)