A review by elliefufu
Ecstasy Wears Emeralds by Renee Bernard


Ecstasy Wears Emeralds by Renee Bernard
Book #3 in Jaded Gentleman Series
Grade: B-

“How am I to prove that a woman has the disciplined mind necessary to become a doctor if I turn into a giggling pool of idiocy the first time I see my teacher’s rugged good looks? Who cares if the man has broad shoulders or if he’s tall? He’s a skilled physician and possesses what I need to move forward. Who’s to say the devil wasn’t the most attractive angel of all before he revealed his wicked heart and fell from heaven?’

After losing her sister and father to cancer, Gayle Renshaw is determined to become a physician and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. She decides to runaway to London where she knows of the only physician who might take her on as an apprentice, Dr. Rowan West. Dr. West used to be engaged to her cousin Charlotte and all of their family believes that he is at fault for Charlotte’s death. Armed with this information Gayle sets out to blackmail Rowan into taking her on as an apprentice but they more time they spend together she realizes Dr. West is not at all what her family has made him out to be.

Dr. Rowan West has been meaning to take on an apprentice for quite some time but he never expected Gayle Renshaw to try and fill the position. Gayle’s work ethic and determination soon surpass Rowan’s expectations of her and he soon finds himself caring about her way more then he should. As he past comes back to haunt him, Rowan must band together with The Jade, his group of friends that survived The Trouble in India. Together they must stop whoever is coming after them and Rowan must find a way to convince Gayle to fall in love with him as much as he has fallen in love with her.

Ecstasy Wears Emeralds was a great big breath of fresh air in a big stack of so-so historical romance novels. Lately I seem to only be reading historical romances and the majority have been quite bad and not very fun to read. This novel was the exact opposite. It was a very quick, fun and very enjoyable book. I felt that there was a lot going on but not so much that I got lost or confused.

I found myself liking Gayle and Rowan both very much as individuals and as a couple. I loved Gayle’s independent streak and how she was so determined to become a physician even though everyone told her it was impossible. I did get a little annoyed with her towards the end when she was dealing with her relationship with Rowan but she straightened herself out quickly. I really enjoyed hearing Gayle and Rowan talk about how men and women were treated so differently back in the 1850’s by doctors and how most illnesses were thought to be women’s fault. I felt like I actually got a little history lesson with some romance and I loved it.

The one thing that I really struggled with while reading was the Jaded Gentlemen. I would have never known this was a series until the Jaded was brought up and my main issue was that when it was brought up you were just expected to know about them and what had happened in previous books. I was very confused about what happened in India years before and why someone was after the group of six and trying to kill them. Everything finally does get explained but not until the last fifty pages or so. I feel that this could have easily been explained early in the story and I wouldn’t have been so confused and kind of annoyed. This is the main reason that I didn’t give the book a higher grade.

Ecstasy Wears Emeralds is a very good historical romance but if you are going to read it i would recommend reading books one and two in the series before reading this one. I don’t think this book can be read as a stand alone but from the plot and writing style I think the series could be a very good one. If you enjoy a good historical romance, a strong female character and some steamly love scenes this is the book for you.