A review by coffeebean86
All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By by John Farris


I finished reading Grady Hendrix's "Paperbacks from Hell" and was excited to see that I had picked up a copy of one of the cited books awhile back at a book sale. I immediately started reading it while PFH was fresh in my mind. Unfortunately I did not enjoy All Heads Turn nearly as much as PFH.

Part of my distaste might stem from the writing style indicative of the time in which it was written. I typically read more contemporary horror authors (my beloved Stephen King notwithstanding). Strike one. But the book itself felt like a slog . The story dragged, I was not emotionally connected to any of the characters, and it relied heavily on many of the tropes that cause me to roll my eyes (uncivilized African cannibals, fainting white women who can't handle anything....). Again, different time, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Moreover, the ending wraps up rather quickly and I was left feeling apathetic since I wasn't invested in the story or the characters.

Just not my jam.