A review by karlakayjenniges
Nightside : Tales of Outre Noir by Mark Slade


Outre: Violating convention or propriety: Bizarre
Noir: Having a bleak and dark quality of the kind associated with hard boiled crime fiction and film noir.
Mark Slade(Editor) calls this collection of stories Gonzo Crime Fiction in the forward.
Which explains it quite well.

Publication date: October 30, 2020
Published by Close to the Bone
There are 15 stories, 202 pages.
These stories include crime,mystery, intrigue, humour and irony. What a mixture!
I would actually add a bit of dark horror.

As I've never actually heard of this type of style of writing, it was interesting to say the least.

I would like to be able to say something about each story , but that would make this review entirely too long and arduous. So I'm going to simply list the stories that I enjoyed the most.

The Many Indiscretions of Agent 592 by Holly Rae Garcia
Butcher Baby by Jason Norton
Company Man by Tom Pitts
Teddy Bear! Kill! Kill! by Phil Thomas
Kind of Woman Who Does Not Make Men Happy by T. Fox Dunham

So I really enjoyed 5/15. That's not to say I didn't completely unlike the other stories, I just didn't like them as much. There was even 2 of them that I didn't like at all. But with all books and stories, someone else may surely like and enjoy them.

If this sounds like something you may enjoy, then I believe it's worth the purchase.
It really was a quite unique experience. I'm always thankful for that.

A sincere thank you to Henry Roi PR Manager with Close to the Bone Publishing for reaching out and sending me a review copy to enjoy.
This is my honest review, all opinions are my own.