A review by tvil
Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson


I've only read Aurora by KSR before, which I liked a lot, but I've also read stuff by Neal Stephenson (like Seveneves) that I feel scratch the same itches as this does.

I felt like all the First Hundred became my friends. I can't imagine how differently I would have felt about the Boone chapters if the book hadn't opened with the in media res flash-forward chapter.

I don't know if The Expanse was inspired by this book, but I noticed one potential parallel: Nemesis (an asteroid mentioned as a throwaway) and events that unfolded in [b:Nemesis Games|22886612|Nemesis Games (The Expanse, #5)|James S.A. Corey|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1407524221l/22886612._SY75_.jpg|42456264].