A review by wolfshine
Double Dexter by Jeff Lindsay


After my disappointment with book 5, I had to follow up with my thoughts of book 6. It was wicked, wild, and full of action—exactly what I’d expect from Jeff Lindsay! In Dexter’s wacky sixth adventure, he’s dealing with both family troubles as well as work issues. With Astor and Cody coming into their own and Lily-Anne a year old, Rita is focused on finding a new home while Dexter is worried about his newest nemesis—Shadow Dexter.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat until the very last page. For the first half of the book, I had quite a few guesses as to who “Shadow Dexter” really was and every time I was wrong. The case in this story was so unique and well written that I can’t wait to move onto book seven and see where Jeff Lindsay takes it from there. A++!