A review by merelvh
Children of Daedala by Caighlan Smith


3.5 stars*

I received this e-arc from netgalley in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.
(This book will be published in April 2018)
Firstly, I would like to point out that I was not aware that this was a sequel when I started reading this book, therefor my review may not be very accurate since I have not read the first book in this series.
Now that is out of the way, I have to say that despite my confusion I ended up enjoying this book. The book started out quite slow and I was very confused. I did not know any of the characters and the world was not explained in this book. If you are like me and you have not read the first book, you will be very confused. I felt like the author did not really help the reader to get back into the book, the world and characters were not explained here at all. So, please don’t be like me and just read the previous book first.
Once I was a bit further into the story and I had figured out a bit more about the characters and the world, I did enjoy the book. I really liked the main character, in some odd way I recognize myself in her. In other reviews I read, it says that she has changed a lot since the first book, but obviously I can’t judge that.
Now for the plot, the story is inspired by Greek mythology. Especially by the story of Icarus and Daedalus, which I was not familiar with when getting into the book, but after reading a bit about this mythology I have a bit of a better understanding of the book.
the book started out slow but the further in the book I got, the more interesting it got. However, when looking on goodreads it looks like this is a duology, therefor I was expecting all my answers to be answered and resolved by the end of the book. This wasn’t the case, the ending was very open and a bit of a cliffhanger even.
All in all, I enjoyed this book. It was not perfect, and I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I had read the first book (which was my own fault really, for not checking it out on goodreads first) but I definitely recommend you reading this series. And I think I am going to have to read the first book soon, because I need my questions answered!

oops almost forgot to mention, i give this book 3,5 stars. I could not give it 4 stars, since i could not optimally enjoy this book because of my confusion. my rating my get higher after i read the first book.