A review by caeralee
A Gift Of Time by Sarah Wynde


The best book in the series yet!!!
I feel like Ms Wynde has grown as an author with each book in the series. The characters get more detailed with multiple dimensions and better back stories. The second book in the series left a couple questions, like why would rose come back? This book gave a glimpse to that decision being Rose is more a guardian angel than a ghost now, meaning even the characters grow with each book! I did end up with more "what about this" questions in this book than any other of the series.
My biggest question that was NOT answered in this book is why did Natalya's precognition fail her for most the books? I wish that it had been tied in to a solid reason, like maybe when she came up to Kenzie with her hands on Colin and Rose feeding her energy Natalya touched him and all three preternaturals touching the same person shorted out the abilities. This shortening of abilities would have also tied up the question of why Kenzie could see Rose at the beginning of the book but no other time at all. My best guess is that she could only see her when her energy reserve is so low she's close to death.
Ultimately this series has completely pulled me in. I've fallen in love with all the characters. The writers mini pop culture references makes it more relatable and plausible, go Lost Girls and Harry Potter!!! I can't wait for the next one! And I hope there will be a future "Gift of Kenzie" type book to explore her abilities too!