A review by lexee9
Burn So Good by J.H. Croix


I loved this story. Caleb and Ella are just so cute. They were high school sweethearts with Caleb being 2 years ahead of her. His senior year there was a horrible accident and his best friend died in the crash. Ella was driving and a drunk driver hit them. In the aftermath, Ella called things off between them and as they were both trying to figure things out and right their world again they didn't end up back together. Both have always felt something for the other one. Ella comes back into town, to stay for good, and they immediately reconnect. Ella wasn't sure what she wanted to do as she still suffers from survivors guilt and is trying to deal with that, along with a stalker. Caleb knows that he wants her back, always has and so when the opportunity arises, he goes for it. I loved how things played out between the two of them. Caleb doesn't push Ella too much and allows her the time she needs. You have the intrigue of the stalker and how all of that is going to play out. The story had my attention from beginning to end and I really enjoyed it. It flows smoothly and had plenty to keep me engaged.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.