A review by stephanieleary
HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeffrey Zeldman, Jeremy Keith


This is a wonderful book. It doesn't attempt to teach you HTML from scratch. It's intended for people who've been working with HTML for a long time and just need to know what has changed in HTML5. It's concise, readable, and informative. Best of all, it's funny. Jeremy Keith writes about web design with obvious affection, even when it's exasperating: "Internet Explorer has special needs." "It would be inaccurate to say [the XHTML 2 spec] was going nowhere fast. It was going nowhere very, very slowly." It's just 85 pages long, so you can zip through it in an hour and a half, tops, and the last chapter is a guide to using HTML5 immediately (and working around the middling support in current browsers). It's ideal for getting started with HTML5 in a single afternoon.