A review by rks97
He's Come Undone by Theresa Weir


'He's Come Undone' was a really enjoyable, short read. The plot was completely ridiculous but I still loved reading it.

The story is about Ellie who was a child star and has now been employed to break Julian's heart by the girls who's hearts were broken by him. So the reason I went for this book is because it sounded so much like the movie I adore, 'John Tucker Must Die'. Of course I was expecting it to be a cute, cheesy romance, much like the film, but it was nothing like that and I'm glad.

Ellie was such an interesting character, she was real and so down to Earth. Of course, this was a super short story so we didn't get as much depth to her Hollywood past and her issues with her mother as much as we would have liked.

I thought Julian might be a bit unlikable but he was so lovely and I really liked him. We see quite a bit into his past and that lets us understand him so much better. I definitely do feel as if we got to know Julian better than Ellie but I still would have loved to have seen more.

The relationship between these two was definitely quite instant. I did love that for Julian it was because she made him feel more hopeful I guess. Their relationship was quite sexual and I would have liked to have seen more deep conversations.

The dual POVs were written well and they both had separate and distinctive voices which were consistent too. Also, there was a chapter in Julian's sister's POV too which was a great addition.

All in all, it was a really sweet short story that is so easy to fly through. If you like slow romances with a large build up I don't think this is for you, but it is brill!

*Thanks to the author who sent a free copy in exchange of a review*