A review by kaydanielsromance
The Solution to Unrequited by Len Webster


This series is about to do me in...Couldn't stop reading!!! OMG!!! Is there a 10 star button?!?! All I can say is 8 little letters!!!

Have you ever given away your whole heart?

Loved selflessly. Unconditionally. Unrequitedly?

To the point where you no longer recognized yourself because you've given away everything to sustain a one sided love affair?

At what point do you break? At what point do you reach bottom and finally begin to dig yourself out of the hole you've been living in?

At what point do you begin to say enough and put yourself first?

How do you mend a broken heart when it no longer belongs to you?

AJ/Alex/Alexandra was finally happy, away from Evan, the boy who stole, crushed and never knew he had her heart. Unrequited love is what sent her to Duke, North Carolina, instead of Stanford, California.

AJ and Evan were living on opposite sides of the country instead of together. Attending the same school, BFF's, in each others lives forever.

Evan was currently attending Stanford, without her. The last email she read stating his hatred of her for deserting him, deserting their plans, and leaving him all alone. Solidifying the final nail in their friendship coffin.

AJ knew she'd sever their friendship when she decided to break their college plans, but she also knew she could no longer stand by his side pretending she was just his friend when she felt so much more.

She had to discover who she was without Evan by her side and he'd never let her go unless she left the way she did.

So when Evan appears outside her Duke dorm room door AJ doesn't know what to say. He wasn't supposed to find her. She was supposed to have more time, but she also knew, deep down, that she'd eventually have to face what she'd done.


How do you repair something that was so fractured. The relationship that was so obviously unrequited? How do you really explain why you did what you needed to do to save yourself?

A trip home for fall break is all Evan asks.

A trip home to repair what damage was done.

She believes it's repair their relationship back to status quo.

Evan has another idea.

Evan needs this trip.

He can no longer breathe without AJ in his life.

Evan wants this time to tell AJ how he really feels.

What he really means when he tells her she's his oxygen. What he was too chicken to say out loud before they left for school.

8 protons. 8 neutrons. 8 little letters.