A review by samueldavies
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson


Didn't agree with everything (as per usual) but I liked the branding and the analogies within that made for a cohesive message, stringed together with references to history, pop culture, philosophy and modern American psychology which I recognised but did not know a whole lot about, so I am keen to find out a bit more about those referenced works. I also found the travel and language discussions interesting, some of the earlier on anecdotes relatable and the tone well suited to a new generation of readers. I was surprised about what impacts this book had, and how enjoyable it was to read, hence why I finished it so quickly. I was also stunned at the width and depth of the author giving reference to Albert Camus among all 'absurdist' thinkers/writers to choose from and the astute comments made on existentialism and its root indifference (if I picked up on that part correctly). Anyways, was inspired and uplifted, appreciated the attempt at a narrative style ending in the final chapter and overall just had a good time reconsidering how what I choose to devote energy towards undermines the values framework I aspire to.