A review by skinnypenguin
The Trinity Game by Sean Chercover


Really liked this book, Couldn't put it down.
It was fast paced anf kept your interest.
The story is about a priest named Daniel who works for the Vatican investigating so called miracles. His job is to prove or debunk them. He is asked to check into his uncle's predictions
He has been estranged from him for quite some time. His uncle is a high Roller con man preacher who rakes in millions. When he suddenly starts speaking in tongues and his predictions come true lots of people are out to stop him.
Daniel teams up with an old friend to protect his uncle and quits the church. He believes in what his uncle is doing and also reconnects with his first girlfriend who he had never quite gotten over.
The church wants to cover up what his uncle is doing, another shadowy organization wants to kill him along with the mob, and the FBI wants to arrest him. Quite the wild ride. The ending leaves a few questions and sets you up for the next book which I can't wait tor read.
Got this book free as part of the Goodreads.com Giveaways and loved it.