A review by sjj169
Like Lions by Brian Panowich


I've been drooling for this book since the very second that I finished it's predecessor [b:Bull Mountain|23398919|Bull Mountain|Brian Panowich|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1417982638s/23398919.jpg|42955428]. I will admit...that book is hard to top.
Was this one as good? No
Is it still worth it? Totally

The story is set a year after the events of Bull Mountain. The family legacy of the Burroughs clan has pretty much ended. Clayton is not the man that he was in the first book. And let's be honest, for me the whole first half of this book pretty much had me not liking him in the least. AND I don't mean that he had to be perfect. I like flawed characters. I don't mind if they bend some laws, heads whatever...things need to get done. You can't fault a guy that. It just seemed like his character in the first book was so fleshed out. This character seemed written by someone else trying to be Brian Panowich. I'd one star the first 45% of this one.
I will admit that right before the halfway point in this book I was tempted to throw in the towel. I'm very glad I didn't.

Because...if that first half was a one...the second is a full on five star. I got wrapped up in the story and once stuff and thangs started happening I was entranced.
By the time that the reason the book is titled Like Lions came out..I was cheering.

And then that little twist for the ending.

I was going to three star it but I just can't because of that.

I buddy read this with Becky and Dan 2.0 even though they knew I was a slacker in the reading dept lately.