A review by evreardon
The Unlikelies by Carrie Firestone

Did not finish book.
DNF @ 73%

I tried. I really tried. I love love loved The Loose Ends List but there was just something that didn't click with me here. It didn't work.

I think Firestone tried to recreate the mix of magic, irreverence,and warmth that made up The Loose Ends List but failed.

The characters were diverse and interesting enough but I just couldn't get really into it. I took it with me everywhere -- to work, in the car, to my boyfriend's house (all the normal places I read). And yet. Nothing compelled me to pick it back up again.

I thought I was in a reading slump. So I tested my theory by starting another book. And guess what? It was definitely not a reading slump.

And I'm so very disappointed because I wanted to love this book. The cover is beautiful. Her first book made me cry. And I wanted that recreates here. So really, it's my high expectations that got the best of me.

I'm really hoping other people love this. I do. And I'll totally give Firestone another chance. Maybe I'll even finish this novel one day.