A review by bellebookcorner
Hunters of the Lost City by Kali Wallace


Magical world building and dangerous monsters lurking around will sure get the attention of fantasy readers!

I really like the writing style of this book, it describe things quite detailed which makes it easier to envision especially for middle grade readers.
The plot is packed with actions, twists, lies and betrayals that you won't see coming.
The pacing was a bit slow but it was necessary for the readers to be able to understand the magic system in this world works.

All the characters are well developed and relatable, especially the main character-Octavia. Octavia is a courageous strong young woman who is trying to uncover the truth about her city when she realize the world is bigger than she thinks.
I love her new friendship with the girl beyond the walls-Sima and I adore her sibling relationship with her sister, Hana.

The ending was wrapped up pretty nice. It's the kind of ending that end with 'happy for now' since the people in the city still need time for adjustment with the truth. Change is not easy and not a lot of people accept that easily but, progress are being made and eventually things will get better with the new normal.

This book covers an interesting topic and written it in a magical way for middle grades to be able to enjoy it.
Overall, this is a really good after-apocalypse fantasy book. It's an easy read, perfect for getting out of a book slump.

Thank you to Netgalley, Kali Wallace and Quirk Books for granting me this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!