A review by b_morganbooks
The Summer That Melted Everything, by Tiffany McDaniel


I read Betty last year and it instantly became one of my favourites. I still think about it regularly. I added this one to my wish list instantly, even though the blurb was enough to confuse me. 

Once again, Tiffany writes in such a beautiful, rich way, I really had to think to digest each sentence. Some of the descriptions made me feel as though I was in Breathed with the characters. 

It was an enjoyable enough experience, but I just struggled to accept the fact that this random man was the devil. Magical realism isn’t always my favourite genre and this confirmed it. I could easily see the metaphor behind the whole concept, being careful what you wish for, but it was just a little boring in my opinion.

I was glad to find out why they had invited the devil in the end, but it was really quite obvious and made me wonder why I hadn’t realised that. The whole book was a very sad, depressing experience and although I didn’t love it, I don’t think I’ll forget it in a hurry either.