A review by bookscoffeepie
One Week to Claim It All by Adriana Herrera


4.5 stars.

Make sure you have time to read this - it’s a quick, fun read, but most importantly, you will not want to put it down. At all.

Esmerelda and Rodrigo have a past - a past where everything blew up at just the wrong time. Now they are vying for the same position at Sambrano Studios and sparks of all varieties start to fly.

I loved both Esmerelda and Rodrigo. Esme was smart and strong and confident with just the right balance of insecurity to make her drive to succeed and concerns highly believable. I was on her side from the very beginning. As for Rodrigo - I’ll admit it took me a while to warm up to him, but as the story progressed, his personality and why he needed Esme in his life just made sense.

I just had a few personal quibbles - a few too-stereotypical secondary characters and a desire to see more of how this connection managed to last so long. It wasn’t enough to make too much of a dent in how much I enjoyed this novel. Throw in a bit of soap opera-style boardroom shenanigans and just the right amount of steam, and you end up with a breezy, smart romance to fill an afternoon.

I received a copy of this book from the author. This is my honest review.