A review by readermonica
Blaze of Secrets by Jessie Donovan


For full disclosure I received a copy of this title in exchange for an honest review from Paranormal, Fantasy, Dystopia and Romance Readers, Writers and Reviewers Good Reads Group

This is the debut novel from author Jessie Donovan and book one of her new paranormal series. This isn't a vampire or shifter story, instead Donovan explores the theme of elemental magic. A group of people called the Feiru are born with different forms of elemental magic with varying degrees of strength. Fire, water, wind, or earth elements are able to be manipulated by the gifted Feiru and those in power do not want their abilities to be detected by humans. The first born children of the Feiru have such strong magic that they are rounded up at a young age for the "protection" of society and for their own benefit as well. At least that is what the people who run the Asylum (AMT) want the families to believe. AMT is a compound where horrific experiments and torture is inflicted on innocent members of the Feiru and no one in the general Feiru public seems to know what really takes place there. The female protagonist, Kiarra. is a first born with not only special abilities, but her blood has been found to be valuable in a way that she could never imagine. The lead male protagonist, Jaxton, and his DEFEND team breach the Asylum to extract his brother and Kiarra and save them from the tortures that they are enduring. This book is fast paced and does a good job of building a new paranormal world. There's enough action and dilemmas to keep the story flowing along with the quickly developing attraction between Kiarra and Jaxton. I enjoyed the fact that this was a unique take on the paranormal theme and it is a series that I will follow as Donovan continues to write. The character of Kiarra is pretty well summed up in this line from early in the book: "she was trying her hardest to be the woman she was inside her head". Amen, sister! The book is a bargain right now at Amazon for only 99 cents, but only until November 2nd so hop on over and grab it now before it goes back up to a still very reasonable price of $3.99.
