A review by misscalije
From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea by Kai Cheng Thom


There is a pervasive transphobic logic that suggests that 'allowing' trans people to exist peacefully will allow others to claim they are '''''actually''''' animals and other ridiculous things. It's a false equivalency mess that I don't care to go into at this point. It was and is used a lot in conversations about trans people's right to pee in public restrooms.

This book wholeheartedly ignores that mess, and I've decided that if Thom wishes to use a character who can perform fantastical shapshifts as a metaphor for existing outside the box in many ways, that's cool with me.

I also enjoy how the narrative employs the same lullaby technique as other picture books (I'll Love You Forever comes to mind).

My main critique is of the cover art. I don't know if I would have bought this book if it hadn't been recommended to me. It just doesn't represent the content of the book; I thought it was a story about a transgender sea slug (which is fine, but the book is more complex than that).