A review by cynsworkshop
Action Comics #34 by Greg Pak


Overall this has been a very interesting story arc, but this latest story arc could have been constructed better. There is a lot happening in this latest issue and a few extra frames here and there would have made the flow of this issue much better. This seems to be a pattern with Pak. While the story is captivating as it focuses on tricks and peril that put Superman and Earth into such a precarious situation, too much is happening all at once. When one thing is going on, another is going on at the same time, and the flow from frame to frame, page to page, is jarring. That should not be an issue here. Pak has developed this groundbreaking story arc, telling an old tale to a new tune with new and interesting elements, but his construction does not work at all with a story arc that is as action packed as this.
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