A review by milakim07
Before the Coffee Gets Cold: Tales from the Café by Toshikazu Kawaguchi


"Life too passes through difficult winters.
But after any winter, spring will follow."

It takes an awful long time for a person's life to change into better. For some it can be weeks, months or even years. Ten, twenty, thrity. Just how much is needed for someone to become happy?
There can be a lot of regrets or unsolved business revolving around someone's misfortune. But even so, there is always one side of the story who regrets and the other who is sad about the other's misery. No matter if one of them is dead or alive, the other lives entagled in a spiralling abyss of doom. The constsnt loop of "I don't deserve to be happy." But, a person's story can be changed through other people stories. And so, people learn to acknowledge their situations by finding others who relate to their story. And so, they heal. Their spring begins with a warm smile from a stranger.