A review by larissasbookclub
Finding Felix by Jo Platt


Finding Felix / Jo Platt
Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Nanny Flo is on her deathbed, concerned that Dot is all alone. Dot makes a spur of the moment decision to make Nanny Flo happy and tells Flo that Felix, whom she knew as a child, is her boyfriend.

With her sister Becca’s upcoming wedding, everyone is keen to see Felix again after so many years. In order to keep her secret and not wanting to upset Nanny Flo, Dot decides to find Felix. After all, she can’t turn up to her sisters wedding without him, however after 15 years, Felix is not how Dot remembers him at all.

I loved this story so much. I found myself laughing throughout and found myself being able to relate to Dot’s character a lot. She is such a fun character, and I honestly would LOVE to be her friend irl. Felix on the other hand took a little time to warm up to, but once you find out more about him you can’t help but fall in love with his character quirks.

Not only were the main characters so enjoyable to read, but the side characters all had their own storyline’s, making them just as enjoyable as Dot and Felix.

This was such a lighthearted read, had me giggling and grinning all the way through and prompted me to buy more of Jo Platt’s books. I would highly recommend this book to anyone ✨