A review by rhythimashinde
The Way of the Bodhisattva, by Śāntideva


Boddhisatva in itself would not tell you how to meditate, but it will give you the foundational thinking about Buddhism. This specific edition is a very recent one and thus most of the learnings are adaptable. Especially the chapter of Carefulness, Introspection and Patience are very practical. How it helped me personally was that I can practice meditation (using different apps, videos) with much more ease now. In fact, I can meditate very well with music because I am very clear on why I was doing it. I think this is the best thing about this book that it actually doesn't just ask you to practice thinking positive and compassion, but it lays down why you should do so. Some of the chapters are very spiritual, and maybe with time I will be able to follow them, but all-in-all it was a very positive read.
A complete summary is here: https://rhythimashindeblogs.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/bodhisattva/