A review by samchase112
Grishma by Kelly Anne Blount


Rating: 1.75 stars

How does this book get such high reviews? I don't understand it.
First of all, what's with the writing style? It's like the author was trying to fit in as many vocabulary words and odd descriptions as she could.
Yes, the action was non-stop. But there was so much happening all at once, it just wasn't too plausible.
The characters. Ryder himself was okay, but only as a "hero". Yes, we saw him be brave, etc, etc, but there was no depth to his character. It seemed that all he cared about was flipping revenge! What was it like living in his own for years? How did he figure out how to cross worlds? Why was Grishma even in our world? There are so many questions.
We also never got a complete description of the world they're living in, Neoch. We were only told things as they came up. Why didn't Ryder explain to Brooklyn where she really was? Also, Brooklyn barely blinks when she's told she's in another world. Really?
Insta-love. The worst kind of love. Ryder and Brooklyn barely spend any time together, and yet they "love" each other? WHY?!?! And if Ryder thinks Brooklyn is so great, why didn't he talk to her when they were in our world?
And another question (there sure seem to be a lot of unanswered questions...)- why does Brooklyn look so much like the long-lost princess? Are they related? What's going on here? It's just so odd that even Sophie's own father would believe Brooklyn was his daughter.

The only reason this book received a second star is because it kept me reading, and the plot was actually pretty interesting. That being said, I would definitely not recommend this book to anyone.