A review by joiefatale
Fruits by Shoichi Aoki


Fruits is a photo-essay based on the popular Japanese magazine. There is also a “UK Version” of the magazine called Street (trivia fact: that Robert Pattinson guy is in the Street photo-essay book before he was a “big” actor). Fruits and Street are (to the best of my knowledge) sold in the same stores in the UK, and Japan, and if you have a store that sells one, they usually sell the other.
I bought the book because I love fashion, especially watching Japanese fashion.
I really enjoy the fact that the book lists what kids bought on their own and where they got it from, so if you like one individual piece, the chance of you being able to purchase it is highly likely.
I had originally heard about Fruits sometime in 2005, so when I found the book in 2006 I put it on the side to buy from Barnes and Noble, where I happened to work.
There is a second volume called Fruits Too.

I enjoy the pictures and the randomness of the fashion.
If you are fan of fashion (shoes, purses, clothes, jewelry, hair, etc.), and or Japan, as well as photo essays and collections, I would recommend this.

If none of this truly interests you, perhaps take a look at it at your bookstore or library.