A review by bookwife
Blood Match by K.A. Linde


This book was much better than the first one. It is no secret that I struggled a little bit with that but I am so glad I didn't give up on this series!

At the end of the last book Reyna runs away from Beckham and runs right into her kidnappers at Visage. They keep her as a captive and she is basically a blood bag for one of the most powerful vampires. This obviously sucks. She can't speak to anyone but I also thinks it opens her eyes to what is really going on. Her Naivety is what made me hate her in the first book but she is not so naive now. I actually enjoyed her in this book! Her character was so much stronger. I am excited to see her grow in the next book. Beckham.. well I still am not 100% on them. Yes the scenes with the two of them are hot but I hold grudges man. And he was just an ass. So I guess we will see how it goes in the next one.

A lot happens in this book. I do not want to give away anything but be prepared. In true Linde fashion the ending will make you want to scream. I am dyyyyyyying for the next book!

I received a copy of this book from the author.