A review by asiantomato
Moribund by Genevieve Iseult Eldredge


"Because one second, one minute, one day can change your life"


Moribund switches perspectives between Syl Skye, the fair Fae sleeper-princess and Rouen Rivoche, the dark Fae princess and huntress. The dark Fae world is dying and in order to save it, Rouen is sent to kill all the sleeper-princesses to power their hearthstone.

On the other hand, Syl is unaware of her being the sleeper-princess. Recently, her entire world had been turned upside-down. The people who she thought were her friends are now her bullies and she has to work to help her mom out.

One of my problems with Moribund is the writing style. The two perspectives were those of 16 year old girls, so I understand the more childish tones, but it was annoying to keep hearing Rouen call herself “emo” and Syl call herself a “whiny pants”. This book is like maximum teen angst if that’s what you’re looking for. I liked the concept and plot of the circuit fae, but I think the teen angst really got in the way of that.

I did think the relationship that developed between Syl and Rouen was cute. It seemed a bit too possessive and insta-lovey for my taste, but I liked how they pushed each other to be stronger.

"They’re not my blood and they’re not perfect, but that’s okay.
Families never are."

I received a copy from Monster House Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.