A review by nwhyte
Doctor Who: The Celestial Toymaker by Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman

http://nhw.livejournal.com/825455.html[return][return]Fan lore seems to be that Alison Bingeman did most of the heavy lifting on this novel, which is competent enough but doesn't really sparkle. Indeed, the one point about the dialogue of the original which caught my interest - Dodo's exchange with Steven about whether the Toymaker's minions should be considered as real people or not - is weakened and watered down. Davis says proudly in his introduction that the novelisation allows the sets of the story to be portrayed as lavishly as originally intended, rather than the cut-down version show in 1966, but since the first three episodes are lost this doesn't make a lot of difference. For me, reading the written word rather than listening to the audio made it more difficult to ignore the lacun