A review by miztrebor
My Heart's Choir Sings by Tegan Ivison, Maureen Flynn


For me, reading and “getting” poetry doesn’t always come easy. What I rely on most for my enjoyment, the first read through, is the feel I get from it; the emotions do the poems bring with them. Then I’ll go and reread the book is necessary to look deeper into what it has within.

My Heart’s Choir Sings is a book that I’ve read through twice already, and have gotten more out of each with each of read. I know I’ll be revisiting this one again and with the third read, will most likely get an even deeper understanding and enjoyment from the poems.

This collection is said to be a novella in verse. When comparing it to the verse novels I’ve read in recent months, this “story” goes about the form a little different from them. Instead of a straight forward continuous single storyline, this novella has the speaker recollecting various events, memories, qualities of the woman he loves, who is now dead. These poems are strung together by some common themes, while being great pieces all on their own. There’s not a direct linear narrative, but I feel that is a strength to this collection. There’s so much being said on these pages, even with, at times, so little words. The reader can feel the speaker’s every emotion.

As I stated before, I’ll be reading through this book a third time, and probably many times after, plucking out favorite lines, new meanings, and it’ll probably make its way onto my shelf of favorites collections. If this is Flynn’s début book, I can’t wait to see what else she has waiting for her readers.