A review by notwithoutwitness
A Brief History of Thought: A Philosophical Guide to Living, by Luc Ferry


A brief overview of philosophy which seeks to answer the question of salvation: how are we saved from the certainty of death? Ferry looks at Greek Stoicism, Christianity, Kantian Humanism, Nietzsche and Postmodernism, and Contemporary Philosophy (Heidegger). Ferry seeks to offer his own way forward in answering the question of salvation. A focus on enlarging our thought to include the perspective and lives of others. To uproot ourselves from our own egocentrism. At the end this view only seems to soften death. It’s still coming and with such a focus on the present at the neglect of the past and failure to care about the future, there isn’t much hope - in fact there is no reason for it. I grew a bit confused toward the end as he rambled more. Makes mention that Christianity is the best option, but he just doesn’t believe in it.