A review by chllybrd
Against the Dawn by Amanda Bonilla


It's been a month full of books with humongous cliff hanger endings. I am sad to report AGAINST THE DAWN is on that list. CRAVE THE DARKNESS left Darian pretty destroyed emotionally and escaping to O Anel. AGAINST THE DAWN starts off with her facing her life again.

No body expects Darian to be unaffected when she gets back and she really isn't. Thankfully she has a lot of people there to help her when she needs it. On top of that, someone from her past shows up and is set on a path Darian doesn't want to go along with but has to to get what she wants. Little does she know his reason for jumping back into her life are far worse than she could have imagined.

The love triangle that shouldn't be, continues in book 4. Darian has made it clear that she has picked Ty but Xander refuses to listen. Although his rule is in question he refuses to leave unless Darian goes with him and that isn't going to happen. Xander is convinced that he needs to get Tyler out of Darian's life and he uses past events to try and accomplish that. Unfortunately it leaves Darian unprotected at the worst possible time. Drama, drama, sweet drama. You cant help but get sucked into it all.

AGAINST THE DAWN was emotional, drama filled and suspenseful. The action was plentiful and if you were hoping to finally get a glimpse into the Jinn you're in luck. Just when things start to smooth out another obstacle jumps up to halt its progress. I have a feeling book 5 just might be more emotionally draining on the characters than CRAVE THE DARKNESS was. Bring it on!

* This book was provided free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review.