A review by diaryofthebookdragon
Glass Frost by Liz DeJesus


Glass Frost is sequel to the [b:First Frost|15700479|First Frost (First Frost, #1)|Liz DeJesus|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1339384901s/15700479.jpg|21359510]. Although this time our heroes Bianca, Terrance, Ming and Prince Ferdinand will have a new quest to complete and new villain to defeat, I still recommend for you to read First Frost first. You will get better introduction to the characters, country and customs.

All the things I liked and enjoyed in First Frost are present here: Liz DeJesus' easy-to-read writing style and familiar fairy tale characters used to make a new story. There will be seven dwarves, fae queen Titania, big bad wolf, frog prince and many more. Liz DeJesus again reinvents them and puts them in Bianca path. It's fun, original and interesting.

The one thing that I expected more was more new stuff from The Museum of Magical and Rare Artifacts. But Bianca will use mostly the same she used in First Frost. I hoped for more new artifacts and more awesome and cool powers they have.

Those looking forward to more romance will get what they were expecting. Both love stories continue to develop, some of them in unexpected ways. And still no love triangle, insta-love or other things that irritate me in ya novels (yay). The romance is slow, characters think about their actions, talk about their future. There will be some light kissing but not much more, so this series is still safe read for young adults or even teens.

The end of the book is cliffhanger free, quest ends, current mystery resolves but there are some questions left how relationship between characters will continue so I know I can look forward to the sequel and more adventures with Bianca and her friends.

In The End...
Glass Frost was not a disappointment. Very good sequel in to Bianca Frost series. All people who like young adult fantasy featuring fairy tale characters in a new original plot should give it a try.

My rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: I was given a free eBook by the author in exchange for a honest review. This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.